Payment / Dispatch

Shipping and delivery:

We calculate the shipping costs abroad as a flat rate as follows:

Austria : € 15,90

France: € 15,90

Belgium: € 15.90

Denmark: € 15,90

Luxembourg: € 15.90

Great Britain: 15.90 € + customs clearance costs

Czech Republic: 15,90 €

Italy: € 19.50

Croatia: € 19.50

Please contact us for further countries!

Delivery periods

Unless otherwise stated in the item description, the goods will be delivered in foreign countries within 5 - 7 days after confirmation of order (with agreed prepayment after the date of your payment instructions).

Please note that no delivery will occur on Sundays and public holidays.

If you have ordered items with different delivery times, we will ship the goods in a joint shipment unless we have made a different agreement with you. The delivery time is determined in this case according to the article with the longest delivery time you ordered.

Terms of payment

For deliveriesin foreign countries, you have the following payment options:

- Prepayment by bank transfer

- Payment by PayPal Plus / Credit Card

- Payment via immidate transfer

Further details on payment

When paying by credit card, the debit of your credit card account is concluded with conclusion of contract.

Our bank connection:

Wieland Vertriebs GmbH

Commerzbank Nuremberg
IBAN: DE95 7604 0061 0526 6986 00

If you have any questions, please contact our imprint.
